
Airports that doesn’t have proper runways; landing & take-off is fatal

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Airports that doesn’t have proper runways; landing & take-off is fatal

There are many airports across the world where even the most skilled pilots find it difficult to land at. Let us have a glimpse at those kind of dangerous airports.

First of that kind is Sea Ice Runway in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. It is made of ice and on its top, it could be cracked under the weight of a plane. And as it is made of ice, when the temperature rises and the ice melts, no runway is left to land at.

Another one is the Princess Juliana International Airport which is in St. Maarten. Its short runway ends right on the beach and because of this, it is more scarier for sunbathers than that for passengers. The planes have to fly really low that it frazzles the beach-goers with strong winds and loud noise.​ A woman here was died after she got too close to the jet blast in the year 2017.

Next is in Bhutan. The Paro Airport in Paro, Bhutan is so dangerous and only a few pilots have been qualified to land there. It is the only international airport in Bhutan. It sits at 7,333 feet above sea level and it is surrounded by the Himalayan peaks of over sixteen thousand feets.

Another one is in Scotland. The landing here depends on the tide, if there is a tide then there might not even be a runway to land on at Barra Airport which is situated in Eoligarry, Scotland. It is a fact that planes here land on sandy beach. They have to plan their landing according to the tide or the runway disappears completely.

Another such airport is in Nepal. The Tenzing-Hillary Airport in Lukla, Nepal, has one of the steepest uphill runways in the world. It is not only 9,383 feet above sea level and it ends in Himalaya-ringed nothingness.

Published by Lokendra Sharma on 28 Oct 2019

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