
AI is the Light that Leads from the Past to the Future

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been around since the nineteenth century. But what exactly is artificial intelligence, today? Can we call artificial intelligence technology, or is it something else? Here are three phases of life – Past (evolution), present (processing/implementation), and finally, the future (saturation/extending) of AI because AI is the light that leads from the past to the future.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

First of all, Artificial intelligence emphasizes on developing or creating machines with high intelligence. AI works like a human brain but with a high Intelligent Quotient (IQ). It’s more an effort to build machines that have the intelligence of human beings, which is very hard!

Replacing humans with machines — is that a good option? Won’t these machines outrank us one day and turn down our jobs? AI helps human beings or other living beings but not to replace us. Robots are one of such results of AI efforts, and it meant to help us.

Not just robots, the most familiar voice recognition systems are specific results of AI. Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant, etc. are few among them. So, now that you know what AI is, it’s time to address one important thing – “Artificial Intelligence is not a technology!”

The revolutionary step: Turing test

It’s always good to learn the past to understand the present and progress to the future. Let’s have a glance at the evolution of AI.

Turing tests, considered as the first step to AI, helps humans to scale the intelligence of a machine.

Alan Turing known as the father of AI and the evolution, begins from his efforts. His classical test includes three terminals, which include one machine and two humans. One human is the examiner and the other one, the test subject. The tester isolates from the two test subjects: a human and a machine.

The examiner interrogates the subjects many times using certain subjects, and needs to determine which one is the machine and which one is human. If the examiner can decide on at least half the time, then the machine/computer possesses human intelligence.

This is the famous Turing test followed by,

  • Robots that beat high people with high IQ,
  • The introduction of personal assistance tools, etc.

These milestones, alongside many others, compile the evolution cycle of AI.

The present – Where does AI stand now?

ai right now
Where does AI stand right now?

Suppose you launched the browser from the desktop. Then you started typing something on the google search bar. You might have seen the suggestions or related queries.

AI generates all these suggestions, and it aims to ease our browsing experience.

AI has made computers/machines intelligent. Machine learning is a part of AI, and it synthesizes data to create a pattern. The machine makes predictions based on the input data, and it needs to be precise.

Psychology is the field of study to analyze human behavior. It helps to find the behavior patterns easily. There are four goals associated with psychology -Description, explanation, prediction, and control of behavior.

By satisfying these goals, one can analyze the behavior and control their emotions up to a limit. Don’t forget the goals are set by humans to study the same species. Similarly, machines learn human behavior and patterns based on the data. Business patterns are a byproduct of historical analysis and achieved using specific algorithms.

The applicability: How far?

AI is broad, and so is its applicability. Many industries across the globe are now into AI, and even a step ahead in neuroscience. The industries include the following,

  • Science
  • Finance and insurance
  • Robotics
  • IoT
  • Cybersecurity
  • Construction
  • Media

The list goes on and on. Software companies use AI, as it is closely associated. Business intelligence is the right tool used for such a purpose. The raw data is the input used for analysis. The system then analyzes patterns using data analytics. Finally, transforms data into useful insights. These insights are then implemented using different strategies and support decision making.

These input data include all types of content like normal words, signs, images, videos, etc.

Recently, AI got used to create a digital doppelganger of a famous American rapper. AI has also created wonders in Georgia tech who managed to create static arms for a drummer who lost his hands.

He managed to play again even with more versatility. Such interesting things are there in ‘The Age of A.I’. It’s a brand new Youtube Originals series hosted by Robert Downey Jr.

AI in the future – What to expect?

According to Andrew Ng, a computer scientist, ‘AI is the new electricity’. There are still untouched areas in AI which don’t match human intelligence. Well, AI is here to help us but not to replace it!

We’ve to make sure it won’t happen in the future. Just think how horrible it will be if the world is more like the Matrix movies or terminator salvation?

What state will we reach when our mom can’t identify us with our digital doppelganger who looks and sounds like us? But, it can help us in many ways, as the chatbots do right now. It can help customer support from mundane tasks.

Yet, AI requires human efforts to capitalize on the opportunities. This includes client follow-ups, connecting with leads, lively chats, emotion-driven contexts, etc.

The levels of AI will improve in time. The limitations of primary tests in AI also will get replaced with new innovations. Research and constant testing can ensure it. What if something goes wrong? What if your google assistance recognizes others’ voices if they have matching resemblances? There are many such areas of concern and this creates loopholes and a solution a must!

  • New subfields will pop up to support AI
  • Learn to predict solution accurately
  • Developing a new algorithm for machine learning
  • Better hardware for high-end performance

There is still bias in decision making made by AI systems. Hence, human assistance and interrogations are vital!

Final part: The concerns

We know that AI needs data, in fact, a lot! Where does this data come from? If we don’t want to share our personal data, then how the concerned authorities get access to our data?

Many concerns arise in AI like I mentioned above, replacing humans is not what AI is for! Before developing an AI model for your business, understand its need! Scary thoughts can evoke deep thoughts or even something worse. Always consider these negative thoughts because they drive us to resolve the limitations.

  • Do the subjects agree to provide their personal data?
  • Ensure data security and avoid misuse
  • Is AI necessary in your business?
  • Aren’t there human interactions to audit the AI system?

Check all the concerns, if it satisfies the concerns, go ahead, and try it out! AI is the light but not the source. We, humans, are the right source or the torch to lead the light. Use the light in the dark to make a vision! In some cases, if the daylight is enough, then why one switch on their source of light?

Sajin Rajan

Sajin Rajan, CMO at Epixel MLM Software is an enthusiastic business professional with 10+ years of experience in software development and business management. He has undertaken leadership to successfully develop and deliver customizable software for network marketing businesses. He always takes a good interest in upgrading his technical skills and updates more in Blockchain, IoT, AI, and related technologies. He is highly skilled in dealing with new business prospects and sharing the most advanced solutions.

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